Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc)
2001 - present
FABnyc was founded in 2001 by 4th Street arts groups organizing against their displacement in East 4th of Lower East Side. FABnyc expanded its activities in 2016 to serve the entire Lower East Side population. FABnyc's mission as a team of artists and organizers is to work on preserving, sustaining, and expanding "the cultural vibrancy of the Lower East Side neighborhood" (FABnyc, About, 2024). They work in partnership with the community and with other community organizations across Cooper Square and the Lower East Side such as: "Fight physical and cultural displacement, Build collective power and collaboration, Increase equity and access to cultural resources and public space, Support local resiliency and community health" (FABnyc, About, 2024). FABnyc includes a visual timeline of the historical moments that occurred on East 4th, after its formation in 2001, eight properties for the FAB groups were transferred to them by NYC under the transaction of "$1 each, deed restricted in perpetuity" (FABnyc, About History, 2024). NYC continues to be involved in investing in FABnyc by providing a $45 million investment towards the 4th Street Cultural buildings (FABnyc, About History, 2024). Their membership includes over forty member-based organizations, specifically Lower East Side organizations such as Cooper Square Committee, Swiss Institute, and The Ukranian Museum.
- Categories
- Organization/Association, Other
- Audience
- Adults, All Ages
- Founder(s)
- Ryan Gilliam
- Corporate Body
- 2023 – 2025 Board Members: Tomie Arai, Winston Estevez ,Andrea Gordillo, Lee Ann Gullie, Molaundo Jones, Chimene Okere, and Jasmina Sinanović
- Tags
- Community, Culture, Gentrification, Art
- Notes
- Their 2023-2025 Board consists of Tomie Arai, Winston Estevez, Andrea Gordillo, Lee Ann Gullie, Molaundo Jones, Chimene Okere, and Jasmina Sianović. The Board includes a public artist, cultural organizer, nonprofit professional, scientist, and professor.
70 E 4th St, New York, NY 10003, USA? - ?
FABnyc & Wordpress . (2024). History. FABnyc.
FABnyc & WordPress. (2024). Cooper Square Committee. FABnyc.