P.S. 213 (C.S. 213)

1939 - present

In 1938, the construction of P.S. 213 began and was completed in 1939. The school sits on Hegeman Avenue between Vermont Street and New Jersey Avenue. The site was built as a New Deal Project. The New York City Board of Education approved a Public Works Administration grant of $256,725 and awarded a $266,000 contract to DNW Contracting Co. and Lehigh Structural Steel Co. for the general construction of the new public school. There were not very many public schools in the area when the school was built. Prior to the influx of Black and Puerto Rican families moving to East New York throughout the1950s, the school was primarily made up of Eastern European Jewish and Italian students. In contrast, the school is only 3% white with a majority Black student population today. The school is now a community school, a public school that emphasizes family engagement and partnerships with both non-profit and private organizations to offer services such as academic, health, counseling, and legal support to students and their families.


Instructional Level
Elementary/Grammar School
Corporate Body
New York Board of Education
communityschool, EasternEuropean, Italian, NewDeal, PuertoRican, Black


  • 580 Hegeman Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207, USA
    ? - ?


  1. The Living New Deal. "PS 213 Brooklyn, NY." The Living New Deal. Accessed March 30, 2023. https://livingnewdeal.org/projects/ps-213-brooklyn-ny/.
  2. Rabinowitz, Richard. "P.S. 213."East New York Oral History Project. Accessed March 30, 2023. http://eastnewyorkoralhistory.org/index.html.
  3. The New York Times: "PWA Grant Accepted: Education Board Lets Work for School the Money Will Build," Aug. 19, 1938.
  4. InsideSchools. "P.S. 213 New Lots." Accessed April 4, 2023. https://insideschools.org/school/19K213.
  5. Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, The New York Public Library. "Brooklyn V. 8, Plate No. 84 [Map bounded by Van Sicklen Ave., Hegeman Ave., New Jersey Ave., New Lots Ave.]" New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/7b040661-6859-61e2-e040-e00a1806661d.
  6. “Community Schools.” New York State Education Department, December 10, 2018. https://www.nysed.gov/budget-coordination/community-schools#:~:text=DESCRIPTION%3A,factors%20that%20impede%20student%20achievement.