Brooklyn Public Library - Eastern Parkway Branch
July 07, 1914 - present
The Eastern Parkway Branch Library, designed by Raymond Almirall and built with funds donated by capitalist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, opened on July 7, 1914. Carnegie funded over 2.500 public libraries worldwide, provided the cities would provide land for the institutions to be built and taxpayers voted to finance the maintenance of these libraries. This medium-sized library (12,250 square feet) was designed with a classical limestone façade with large arched windows and entrance portal, and has been renovated in 1951, 1969, 1975 & 2016. This library finds its home in Crown Heights, a neighborhood which was once heavily Jewish at the beginning of the 20th century, and then welcomed an influx of African-American migrants from the South and West Indian immigrants starting in the 1950s - the descendants of each of these groups still dominate the neighborhood's demographic and the library's patronage. The Eastern Parkway Branch Library became one of the most heavily used in the whole Brooklyn Public Library system, vying for the lead in total circulation with the flagship Flatbush branch for many years. Unique to this branch is its Kid's Connection, which has successfully provided programs for children aged 9-13 since the branch first opened. Even today, children aged 5-12 form the largest age-group served by the branch, though there has been a recent increase in adult use of the branch. The Eastern Parkway Branch also continues to provide public information seminars, lectures and performances for the surrounding community. The Eastern Parkway Library restoration project is currently in the design phase, which will continue until early 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in the Fall of 2023 and will last for approximately 2.5 years, during which time the branch will be closed. In late 2025, Eastern Parkway Library is scheduled to reopen and welcome patrons back to a better equipped, more comfortable space.
- Category
- Library
- Audience
- Adults
- Founder(s)
- Andrew Carnegie
- Corporate Body
- Brooklyn Public Library
- Tags
- publicfunding, childdevelopment, adulteducation, recreation, philanthropy, informaleducation
1044 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11213, USA? - ?
Eastern Parkway Library - Branch History. Brooklyn Public Library. (2017, March 13). Retrieved May 4, 2022, from
"Borrowed" Podcast. (2020, January 24). Carnegie's legacy. Brooklyn Public Library. Retrieved May 4, 2022, from