Sites of Teaching & Learning

Title Established Defunct Category Created By
St. Francis Xavier Academy & St. Francis de Sales School for the Deaf School Elizabeth Vassallo
St. Francis Xavier Church Faith-based institution Elizabeth Vassallo
St. Francis Xavier College School Rachel Klepper
St. Gregory Parish School and Church School Matt Kautz
St. Ignatius Bay Nursery School David Levy
St. Jerome's Church Faith-based institution Sofia Rosario
St. Jerome's School School Sofia Rosario
St. John Canitus Parish Faith-based institution Natalie Wright
St. John's College College, Faith-based institution, Seminary Dardan Ukaj
St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Cathedral Faith-based institution Lily Ma
St. Joseph's Academy School Alannah Reilly
St. Joseph's Academy for Young Ladies School Katherine Been
St. Joseph's Institute for the Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes Faith-based institution, School ajr2248
St Joseph's Orphan Asylum Asylum, Orphanage Dardan Ukaj
St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum Orphanage Bette Weneck