Sites of Teaching & Learning

Title Established Defunct Category Created By
High School of Fashion Industries School Rachel Klepper
High School of Music & Art School GeColby Youngblood
Holocaust Memorial Park Other Lily Ma
Holy Cross School School Bette Weneck
Holy Name School Faith-based institution, School Phillip Twining
Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church Faith-based institution Natalie Wright
Holy Trinity School School Bette Weneck
Hope Day Nursery School Bette Weneck
Horace Mann School School Bette Weneck
Hudson Guild Social Settlement House Rachel Klepper
Hudson Guild Children's Center Social Settlement House Rachel Klepper
Hudson Guild Education Center Social Settlement House Rachel Klepper
Hudson Guild Farm Demonstration farm, Social Settlement House Rachel Klepper
Hudson Guild-Fulton Center for Senior Citizens Social Settlement House Rachel Klepper
Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia Faith-based institution Nicole Rodriguez