Writ Large tells the story of New York City’s educational past in space and time. It aims to locate the many and varied sites of teaching and learning in the built environment that were an integral part of neighborhood life and the transformation of the city over time. It initially focused on selected neighborhoods in Manhattan and will, over time, expand to more of New York City.

To support new historical perspectives about education and the city, Writ Large connects sites found on the map with relevant archival collections. Students and professors at Teachers College researched and submitted the sites of teaching and learning on the map, as part of the History of Education in New York City course.

Writ Large Map


New York City neighborhoods are rich with places where children, youth, and adults learned. Use the map to find these sites and see how the city’s educational landscape changed across time.

Go to Writ Large Map

Contribute to Archival Collections


Help us build our database of archival resources related to mapped learning sites. If you are a NYC archivist or librarian, please tell us about relevant collections your repository holds.

Contribute to Archival Collections


Writ Large Exemplars

Here are example sites of teaching and learning in Writ Large. Click each title to see the record.